The Vision

The Vision of Windswept Horizons

Quest Driven

Overall, Windswept Horizons is a "quest-driven" server, with talented Game Masters behind the scenes taking pride to write, create and implement content for folks to do, to discover and to incorporate into their character development. Certainly, folks can simply log into our server and enjoy the beautiful world and our custom content. However, it is our hope that your imagination will be ignited by The Lore  and allow your character to carry you toward horizons of new adventures!

Tune Up Tuesday

As founder and lead developer of Windswept Horizons, I created "Tune Up Tuesday" as my way of releasing new content into the server. It might be a small addition, like dice, coin toss and rock, paper scissors.  It might be a large a Horse & Wagon script or anything else you see in development on the #Server-Roadmap.

The Blackwater Ledger

In conjunction with the "Tune Up Tuesday", on a regular basis be sure to check the #Blackwater-Ledger foreshadowing things to come! Windswept Horizons newspaper isn't just a is a Character in The Lore.  Many articles take on a life of their own, revealing things, offering an RP or story prompt for characters. Additionally, the articles work as the text component of the Game Masters behind the scenes.


We recognize that a quest-driven server is not for everyone. Hopefully, as you spend time on our server, you will be inspired to tell your PC gamer friends about WiSH and to invite them along on the journey! We have a "Friends & Family"  program for in-game perks for both you and your friend/family in gratitude for helping promote and grow WiSH!

Here's to Windswept Horizons, to the people, to their stories, to our adventures!