Character Second Chance!
Second chance is an exciting new feature!!
Second Chance enables us the ability to change our character features, body type, age, eyebrows, hair, eye color, etc.
Head to the Doverhill Laboratory (the northernmost building in Roanoke Ridge).
Watch out for cougars in the area! Close the doors, otherwise a cougar can enter the lab and WILL attack you!
A Second Chance costs 1 rol token. You arrive off the boat with 1 rol token in your pocket. If you need an additional token they cost $200 and can be purchased by submitting a General Ticket via #🎫┃contact-us.
If, as you are editing your character, you change your mind, meaning you do NOT wan to save edits, simply F8>quit and it will not save changes nor charge you the rol token.
Although you can edit as often as you'd like, code sometimes doesn't like to be changed too often. Keep this in mind as you edit your character multiple times!
If, after editing your character and saving your changes, you decide you want to edit again, subsequent tokens are $200. The first one is free as you got off the boat.
Pro Tips:
Take a good close up pic of your character for the "before" shot 🤗
Post before/after shots in #🤠┃redm-media.
Be sure you are fully fed and rested before heading into Second Chance.
For best results, go at night, the lighting is SO much better!