
Become a WiSH supporter!

While donations aren't expected, they are very much appreciated and every dollar helps! A little bit gathered from many goes a long way in supporting the entire community.

All donations go towards the purchase of scripts to bring fresh, exciting content to our server. Donating any amount via Ko-Fi will also grant you the @Philanthropist role on Discord.

Check out ⁠suggestion-box for active projects, upcoming content, and suggested scripts that may be purchased down the line! Certain scripts may also be posted for community vote before purchase when the timing is right with our ever expanding lore.

If you are making a donation towards a specific script, please #contact-us!

Again, thank you so much for your support! WiSH wouldn't be where we are today without the immense generosity and care from our incredible community.


Although Windswept Horizons has an official 501c3 non profit status from the IRS (July 2022),
the determination letter is still pending arrival.