Character Creator
The character creator has a metabolic meter, which means you have to be mindful about how much time you are spending in the creator, or your character will die before you have a chance to name/save them.
Around 20-21 minutes, your belly will "start to rumble". This is your cue to wrap it up and name/save your character.
By design, heights are limited to 1, 2, or 3 (short, average, tall) If you are too tall or too short after spawning in, please contact us.
You do not have ability to build an outfit. Reason: There are clothing stores in the Open Range.
Name your character with a first AND last name. Use only letters!**
➵ Do not use numbers, punctuation, special characters or emojis because it will break your character and quite possibly corrupt the entire database! This rule for letters only in anything you name, also applies to horses, clothing, pets, etc.
➵ If your character, horse, clothing, etc is found spelled with anything except letters, you may be subjected to a permanent ban from our community and server.